Do the things that you do WELL.
Well means outstanding.

You are talented.
You can sing well.
You can dance well.
You are the best basketball player.
You are blessed.

But, do you do those things well?

You matter when you do the things
that you do well in an excellent manner.

If you had exceptional communication
and strategic skills, would you use those
skills to normalize a racist or a fascist?

What if it meant a good pay-day and a
shattered glass ceiling?

How you live your life matters.
How you use your skills matters.
How you win matters.

You may want to decide now how you
end up with a life well lived.

You know NOW what you will care
about on that last day.

This is the moment and opportunity
that you have.

How you get things handled is up
to you.

You may want to prepare now, if you
may care eventually.



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The true measure of a woman is facing everyone the day after your Jerry ... Read more

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Plugging and chugging, deriving the equation, the quality of your rituals, that you ... Read more

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