
Live what you value.
Uphold strong moral values.

Protect who you can with your influence and privilege.
Utilize your influence to support and safeguard those who may not have found their way yet.

Embrace the mundane.
Embrace the beauty in the ordinary

Show up every day.
Commit to showing up consistently.

Hold on to your peace.
Cling to your inner serenity.

Love life.
Cherish life and breathe deeply.

When it’s getting crazy and too much is happening, STOP.
When chaos is occurring, take a moment to pause.

Make your plans, but don’t worry if something changes.
Plan ahead but adapt without unnecessary worry.

Conserve you WORRY dollars.
Only spend worry dollars on things that matter: Generally, refrain from unnecessary fretting.

Always learn from your mistakes, but don’t spend time on regret.
It has already happened. Live with no regrets. Always do your best with the knowledge you possess and move forward.

Only compete with yourself and try to get a little better every day.
Compete only with your own potential, aiming to improve daily.

Treasure the blessings you have. Live as though you cannot afford complacency. You may not have six months; it may not be successful if you eventually come to ‘that’ realization.  The next 30 seconds it not promised, time is precious.

Those slings and arrows may come but be BUILT UP and Hold on to your peace, so that you are always on your best game.
Overcome challenges with inner strength, maintaining your inner peace to excel consistently.

    • Recognize that clinging to expected privileges and being part of exclusive circles can weaken your competitive edge. When you avoid hardship, you miss opportunities for fearless growth. To those exhibiting this behavior, I encourage you accept and engage in healthy competition.
    • Without experiencing setbacks, you don’t develop necessary coping skills.
    • Confronting everyday injustices that threaten your dignity teaches you to hold onto your inner peace, enabling you to perform at your best consistently.
    • When you continually face and overcome adversity, you cease to fear it. You then operate from confidence and competence, and you become the stronger competitor.

Be #happy, #smile, and find #joy in life; it’s a precious gift. 🎁





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Practice Everyday
What you do every day is what you are.

Show up Everyday
We can all show up in the shine; you become a person of character when you can show up in the RAIN – with a smile.

I heard and agree
Be Charmingly Relentless – You can be successful without being approachable and pleasant, but it’s easier when you ARE approachable and nice.
Have Emotional Endurance – Embrace challenges with GRIT; nothing great comes easy.
Create Serendipity – Prepare, work hard, and persevere – that creates luck.

Render it and them irrelevant
That thing you are worried about – take the steps within your control to render them irrelevant.  Financially secure yourself and make anything adverse they say about you unbelievable to any rational person.

Worry Dollars
Judiciously spend your WORRY dollars.  Consider your worry dollars finite, and if you spend too much on nonsense, you won’t have any constructive worry available when it is legitimately needed.  Spend your worry dollars on matters as valuable as diamonds.  Don’t spend it on glass.

Some may stand in line to tell you it can’t be done
Visualize the worst, look it in the face, and prepare your response.  Always listen to what some say about your lack of chances to succeed, prepare a PLAN B if they are correct, but keep going with your well-prepared vision. You’ll be OK either way.

Be willing to STAND Up.
Have courage.  You may have to challenge the status quo, which will be scary, but go on anyway.

Operate from Confidence
Sometimes your decision may not be popular, but be willing to do the RIGHT thing.  TRUST – you will be more successful operating from confidence versus fear.

Hold on to your peace; you’ll always be on your best game
Don’t fight negativity. Fight to hold on to your peace.  Operating from a place of peace and contentment is your best opportunity to successfully bring about what you want for yourself, your family, and your life.

Have a vision, be a storyteller, and get things done
Motivate and inspire with your vision. Be persuasive. Be empathetic. Organize and explain so that everyone can follow what needs to be done. Being right will only matter if you are compelling and, ultimately, the objective is achieved.

Appreciate the mundane, breathe, and have fun along the way.

#keepgoing #wegonbealright #joy #win #inspire