Life, the way you wish


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Life doesn’t turn out the way you wish for it,
it turns out the way you WORK for it.

Many people want and wish, not everyone works,
yet they still want.

Ten years from now (if you are blessed), will you
be able to say, I chose this life or will it be the
life that happened?

You can decide today.

Either way, life will happen.

You will find that there is no way to hack creating
a company (disrupting an industry), building a
brand, or having a life of experiences.  No matter
what you want to do, you are going to have to
‘show-up’ every day.

You will have to hustle.

Be in competition with no one but yourself and
the aspirations you have for your life.

When the bad things happen, go hang out with
the helpers.

And when you want to react and not respond …
and I so get it when you want to … just remember,
when you respond versus react, you are on
your BEST game.

Today counts, tomorrow counts, and Wednesday
will count.  I suggest you will care in ten years
what you did on Wednesday.


Go out there and make 2019 happen the way you wish.