The Inner YOU

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Santa Cruz 32

I often get the question … I just found
out about x or y job opportunity, should
I apply for the position, should I accept
the position?

My reply is always where are you trying
to go 4-5 jobs from now or 5-10 years
from now?

If you view your work life and/or your
personal life as an incredible journey,
then it seems to me that you will be
most fulfilled if you end up wherever
you were trying to go.

When I ask, where are you trying to go,
many times, I hear … CRICKETS.

I suggest we approach our lives with
forethought.  If we look ahead in the
future, what would we want and expect
to see for ourselves?

If we looked 10 years in the future, what
would we want and expect to see?

When you decide what you expect for
yourself consistent with your values and
aspirations, then whether or not you
should accept that next job or consider
that next opportunity becomes easy.

Does this put me on a path to where I want to go?
Is this opportunity consistent with my aspirations?
Is this opportunity consistent with my values?
Does this opportunity impact the things I value
in a positive manner?

So, if I want to drive to California as my
ultimate destination and I am in Michigan,
it is probably unwise for me to drive to that
really, really, nice hotel I heard about in
New Jersey, because it is not on the path of
where I ultimately expect to go.

When we approach our lives as a strategic
journey within our control;

We spend time putting great forethought
into what we want out of this great gift of
life that we have been granted.

We think about and decide where we want
to go.

We understand what it is that we value.

We make every decision from the grand
to the mundane in a manner such that
the things we value are impacted

We know that we have to think longer than
the next job, the next day, the next few months,
because it is YOU that will have to live with the
decisions you are making today.

And I suggest that you make these decisions
for the INNER you.

Not the friends telling you who you should be
Not the thoughts that tell you what is wrong
with you
Not the family telling you what you cannot be
Not the anxiety that WORKS on the inner you
Not the current health situation that WORKS
on the inner you
Not the addiction that WORKS on the inner you
Not the fatigue that WORKS on the inner you

But, the INNER you .. you know the one

– the INNER you that knows who you are
– the INNER you that knows who you want to be
– the inner you that kicks anxiety, friends,
health, fatigue, and advice outside, they
can’t help you with THIS decision

So, what does the inner you expect for yourself
in one year, in five years, in ten years?

Where does the inner you expect to go?

What are the aspirations of the inner you?

What does the inner you value?

I am happy for the inner you.

Go make the INNER YOU’s dreams come true.

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