Everyday Belonging

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Where we work, in our country,
in our family, with our friends,
in our churches, we want to belong,

We want the proper qualifications.
We earn the proper qualifications.
We want to be a member.
We expect to be appropriately placed.
We feel bound by the ties of membership.
So, we produce readily.

We are creative.
We are innovative.
We are productive.
We act in concert with a shared vision.
We commit to the great perception of
future developments.

We feel this belonging EVERY familiar,
usual, placid, mundane, ordinary
work day.

We show up RIGHT every day.

We make great products.
We positively astound our customers.
We make great companies.

When NOT everyone feels they belong,
it is harmful, it undermines product and
business achievement.

This sense of not belonging hinders
performance, accomplishment, and
the actualization of vision.

It inhibits unification of purpose and

It is harmful and injurious to goals and
will manifest itself in apathy, lethargy,
and worse.

If we actually assume commitment
without question and treat those who
want to belong with carelessness and
indifference, we pay with overall
sub-optimal performance and sometimes
with costs that are severely deleterious.

Whatever the context, it is difficult to
develop an argument against this, and
why would you?

We win when we unify.  We win when we
work to be in a state of mutual empathy.

We win when we make everyone belong,